Ask Charly Leetham
Science & Tech • Business
Our goal is to assist small to medium business owners use the power of the Internet as an avenue to market their organisations in an appropriate and cost-effective manner.

We assist small businesses to define and refine their processes, plan and build their web presence using current and emerging technologies.

We provide ongoing support and advice to assist businesses to
maintain and grow a crucial path to market and focus on growing your business
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Quick Sales or Lasting Relationships? Client Engagement Strategies (2024/173)

Sales is an art, there's no doubt about it, and perfecting that art may be the difference between a "quick sale" and a long-term, lasting client relationship.

In today's episode, Charly discusses her own experiences over the years and how they've shaped her interactions on public forums like social media to help other business owners answer their own questions. Driven by a desire to see other businesses succeed and become profitable, Charly highlights the importance of balancing quick sales with building long-term relationships with clients.

Tune in to discover strategies that can help you engage more effectively and make a lasting impact in your professional interactions.

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February 22, 2024
Remembering All The Things - Daily Dose Of Business Inspiration (2024/47)

Life is busy and there's just so many things to remember. What tools do you use to help you keep on top of ALL the things?

February 21, 2024
Practice The Pause - Daily Dose Of Business Inspiration (2024/46)

It's easy to react or respond quickly to messages and the like. It's better to do that mindfully. That's why I try to Practice The Pause.

February 20, 2024
Setting Boundaries Is Good For Business - Daily Dose Of Business Inspiration (2024/45)

Boundaries are important in life. Today we look at what that means in business.

Finding Balance in Entrepreneurship (2024/172)

Can you "Find Balance in Entrepreneurship"?

Charly takes some time today to discuss the challenges of balancing entrepreneurship with personal life.

Learn strategies for setting boundaries, managing priorities, and maintaining well-being.

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April 30, 2024
The Gratitude Game!

Come and join me in playing the Gratitude Game.

Share in the comments below, one thing EACH DAY, that you're grateful for.

It can be as simple as "I'm grateful for being able to move my body" or "I'm grateful to have food to eat".

The idea is to remind ourselves, that no matter how difficult business (or life) gets, we have something to look forward to. I'll start

I'm grateful to have people around me who support me.

From Adversity to Achievement: A Deep Dive on the Power of Persistence-With Alan Lazaros (S2024,E21)

Join Charly Leetham as she sits down with Alan Lazaros from Next Level University in a riveting conversation that explores the journey from hardship to success.

Alan shares his incredible life story, shedding light on the unseen struggles behind the scenes of his achievements.

Discover the importance of self-awareness, the brutal honesty required for personal growth, and the relentless work ethic that fuels true success.

This episode is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone striving to transform their lives.

Don't miss this compelling discussion that promises to leave you motivated and ready to take on your own challenges. Tune in to hear about the sweat equity behind success and how to achieve meaningful progress in your life and business.

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